[Update 1/26/2016. I've renamed this essay as a compendium of messages to which I will add meaningful messages as time permits.]
I've documented dozens of acrostic and telestic messages found in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" in many essays. Most of those essays tied the messages to greater meanings as I 'may have imagined' them. Perhaps sometimes I was right in my interpretation of the meaning of the veiled words, and perhaps, sometimes I've been wrong. But the one thing that is true is that I always thought about what it may be WD Gann was trying to convey in each message. Make no mistake, he was trying to tell us, our generation, things...'what' is the only question.
There are hundreds of acrostic and telestic words in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" and I've documented in essays a minuscule number of them. Yet, there are many that tempt my understanding and have failed. Yesterday readers Ben and Dolemite raised my awareness of what I have not investigated. So, I'm going to start this essay to document those words which, using a simple Google search, we can find meanings that Mr. Gann may have been intending. I'll put the word that has been found in the left margin with the evidence following. And I'll add to this essay as I have time to document words that have been found. Someday, I conceive a concordance of proven messages and perhaps the web of messages that comprise a great meaning.
About my spreadsheet of TTTTA. I reproduced first printing text of TTTTA (see HERE for a copy) onto a spreadsheet including a cell for every line of the text beginning with the cover of the book. I allowed one line space for every paragraph break and page break. Page sub headings (the page number line) were included because they take up space that I have proven to myself, Mr. Gann counted in his layout of TTTTA. With this text on a spreadsheet I numbered each line/cell from title on the cover as 1 to the last line printed on the dust jacket as line number 15340 in left columns. Then I started on that last line of the dust jacket as number 1 and numbered upwards on the right side of the spreadsheet. Later, when I discover a method of making the spreadsheet a "Map of Time," I added consecutive descending dates (two dates per line) to the left side of the spreadsheet) to the last line starting with the summer solstice of 1948 (this beginning date has changed over time by as much as two weeks based on my continuing refinements and understanding). And to the right side I added two consecutive dates to the right side ascending from the last line on the dust jacket. The first insert below is an example. 2,783 is the 2,683rd line of TTTTA, 283 is the 283rd line of that chapter, 9/11/01 is the 2 X 12608 days from the date found on the bottom of the spreadsheet.
Lastly, I proved the spreadsheet to the Biblical "Great Week" of 2520 years (the time period of the rule of the gentiles over the Jews). 15 units of 168 years is 2520 years, 168 years X 365.242 is 61,360 days, and given there are 15340 lines in TTTTA, then we have two days per line on the left side of the sheet and two days per line on the right side. As Mr. Gann tells us on page 45 (comporting with his attraction to that angle) we double and re double our efforts. A doubling and re doubling would take us from 15340 lines X 2 = 30680 lines and then a re doubling to X 2 = 61360 lines.
Sometimes dates comport with the related narrative. Sometimes the acrostic or telestic word amplifies the plain meaning of the narrative. And sometime, the acrostic telestic word tells us something about the date. I find the greatest enigmas and deepest meanings are those most deeply and complexly buried. Find Phi, Pi, details of Lord Francis Bacon or John Dee, Pythagoras....
The so described spreadsheet, still imperfect, is now available for download without charge for persons that would like to backtest the words that are identified below and/or to carry on research. You can download it from the essay found HERE.
I will be adding words as time permits and I'm sure I will have to index them a some point. I expect to post the "Map of Time" file to a free site that will allow downloading, again, as time permits, so that others can replicate my work and will, perhaps find meanings that move us forward.
1. TAO to WAR - pages 68, 69 and 71.
There are powerful messages I've already documented and I'll cite one of the most persuasive of all herein. This message is as prima facie as 2 + 2 = 4 in my opinion. I discovered the integrity of the WD Gann Map of time in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" based upon a thought found in the movie "Knowing." That a page of numbers in that movie correlated the date of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack to the 2996 of persons who died that day (see essay at HERE). I made this discovery on exactly September 11, 2015 and here is exactly what I saw that day:
[I have since renumbered TTTTA and my renumbered MOT is off by 3 lives (effectively 1 line) but that does not, in any way, diminish what I saw that day. And, given that TTTTA is 15340 lines long, I fully expect the error is mine and not a computational error made by Mr. Gann.]
Add the number in blue and you get 2996, the exact number of all deaths that day. Look to the right of the insert and you see 9/11/2001. By numbering and dating every line in TTTTA starting with the cover page (allowing for a space between paragraphs and an additional space for page breaks, etc.) you get 15340 lines. Similarly, number every chapter starting with the page header. Add descending dates (two per day) from the first line to last. Then start over numbering and dating from the 15340th line upwards. You arrive at the 9/11/2001 date on the right of the insert above. And when you read the numbers on the descending line numbers (cumulative line number 2693 and chapter line number 283) you get 2996. The number of deaths exactly comported with the related date.
But the meaning was only beginning to emerge; investigate that red acrostic word "TAO" which has a far east meaning of "path." Some 162 lines later if found the word "WAR" which, as was "TAO" was also in caps. In the below insert, you see point "A" where there is a shot of my spreadsheet that has the word "TAO." Point "B" gives you a shot of the "WAR." For many days I struggled with those very prominent words and then decided there had to be a word "to" between them. And there you see it as point "C."
Those points are found several pages apart in TTTTA, one of the deepest messages I have found. When you take a scan of those pages (see far left of the above insert), you get a perfect isosceles triangle. And when you add point "D" on the same line as point "C" and count the number of characters in that line to determine the "height" of that triangle, you find a near perfect 3-4-5 Pythagorean triangle (dimensions of the isosceles triangle is 162 from A to C and 59.5 from D to C). I'll let you struggle with the math. I just reverified it.
So what is this great message? It is:
9/11/2001 is the PATH to WAR."
And so it was. WD Gann encoded this message more than 74 years before its occurrence. Can there be a doubt? Give me any statistical argument to the contrary.
2. GOOGLE - pages 83 and 331.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! If Mr. Gann intended us to use a Google search, did he spell "Google" in acrostic or telestic words? Yes, he did:
Two syllables, 'gOo' and 'gle' on pages 93 and 331 of the first printing of TTTTA (go HERE for a copy of the first printing). So what? The two syllables are separated by 238 pages. Did Mr. Gann predict the invention of Google? What might be evidence of that prediction? And I'll answer, take a look at the date of the first syllable...it was in 1996. When was the first generation of Google invented? From Google.com (found HERE):
The first program written by the principals of Google, namely "Backrub," was created in 1996. It appears to me Mr. Gann predicted the search engine named Google and expected we would use it to decipher his acrostic and telestic messages. But that's me and I'm judging "according to your faith be I unto you." You make your own call.
This is where Mr. Gann notified the reader TTTTA was encoded with acrostic and telestic words. In a randomly written text (not a poem, etc), the improbability of 6 consecutive e's beginning or ending a line is one in tens of millions. He contrived that sequence in that very first paragraph of the Foreword...it is not random:
The 6 e's has a second purpose; it outlines the period in time in 2016 from March 2 to 19. Why? If you go to the comparable date on the left side of this Map of Time, namely September 22, 1848 to October 9, 1848, the fall of 1848, you find a critical period in European history that I've discussed many times before; the Year of Revolutions, the end of a period of great famine, a period of great expatriation from, and Cholera in Europe. As a consequence of that strife, there was a great migration into the U.S. from Europe and principally in New Orleans and New York City. And, in the fall of 1848 there were the first cases of an epidemic of Cholera in both cities that killed thousands. It was in the fall of 1848. Might Mr. Gann be preparing us for a foreknowledge that a similar event will occur in the spring of 2016?
4. Taioto and yen - Foreword.
Obviously, the Japanese city and currency is spelled side-by-side and next to mid to late dates in February 2016 and with the prior historic dates in 1848 of October 17, 1848:
On October 17, 1848, there was a great earthquake in the sparsely populated area of Marlborough, New Zealand. On September 1, 1923, some say the most destructive earthquake struck Tokyo and Yokohama killing more that 100,000, creating a tsunami and a firestorm of destruction. Taito is a subdivision of Tokyo and, of course, the yen is the currency of Japan. In many essays, I have computed the date of February 21 to 24 as the most likely (of the vast improbability) that a great earthquake will strike again with immense destruction, loss of life and an attendant tsunami. As well, essays make the case the earthquake will strike San Francisco.
5. Fait and phait (sic) - Pages 1 and 16 .
Meaning, obviously, "fate," this acrostic led me to consider what I believe to be one of Mr. Gann's most important messages; all things are determined and only in such an environment can predictions be made. By definition, chaos cannot be predicted. Note not only the word below, but the narrative:
The first paragraph of TTTTA, we find Robert Gordon born and his mother still morning the recent loss of her oldest son in the San Francisco earthquake; side-by-side with "fait."
Again, the theme of fate is repeated on page 16:
As I recall, the late genius and father of fractal geometry Benoit Mandelbrot stood outside the Currency Trading Room of Citicorp in 1986 or so wherein that room traded 40% of the world's currency. He was told it was the most profitable department in the bank even though it did not charge a fee (and we'd expect, didn't shave transactions). Mandelbrot remarked something to the effect "This is not random." Both he and Nassim Taleb have written books on the misleading image of randomness taught by our great educational institutions and employed by our leading research organizations.
6. DNA - page 1.
A reader, Mary, put me onto this telestic word. Buried in that very busy page 1 of TTTTA where RG is born, we find not only the word "fait" but we find the acronym "DNA."
I find DNA spelled in code in three places in TTTTA, of which one appears above.
7. Bad sleth (sic) - Page 4.
I interpreted these words to mean a bad detective or sleuth. A very early find which meant to me I was, at that very beginning, a very incompetent "detective" of the vast array of enigmas that Mr. Gann had encoded. Note the narrative that Robert Gordon is investigating the meaning of scriptures in the Bible at a very face value or elemental level:
8. Hoe - Page 3.
As we hoe the soil to produce the crops, so must the teacher cultivate the student:
Of course, we have evolved in these modern times to have a new tribal definition and abbreviation in the form of "Ho."
9. DES and DESY - many citations on many pages.
I'd written off DES as a meaningless word found in dozens of places in TTTTA which hadn't statistical or word significance. Then I stumbled on its profound meaning in our modern world. D.E.S. stands for "Data Encryption Standard" which is an encryption methodology created in the 1970s by IBM (in collaboration with the NSA who wanted weak standards they could break). Along with the move from analog to digital technology, DES became the first instance of a standard that makes phone calls private...cellular phone calls private....email private. Later standards (D.E.A.) and other more advanced technologies have emerged since DES. I was finally compelled to acknowledge that Mr. Gann was not only predicting Tel-Talk as a future invention but one of the methods underlying it when I read the following acrostic and related narrative on page 356:
While DES may, in random text, be found frequently, it hardly appears to be random when you combine it with the nature of modern communication. Without digital technology we cannot have encryption. And without encryption and digital technology, Robert Gordon could not invent a Tel-Talk that prevented the Allied Enemy from hearing his transmissions. It would seem Mr. Gann predicted light modulated, encrypted, digital transmission; cellular phones and variants.
And DESY or Deutsches Elektronen-Synchotron. A reader, Benn called my attention to this one. I'd long been disappointed I couldn't find "CERN" in TTTTA. The find of DESY redeemed Mr. Gann:
There is yet one more aspect of the above insert which should be addressed; SAET. The SAET 55 and 60 was developed by Russia shortly after the end of WWII. It was an acoustic honing torpedo and I've read the SAET 100 was on the planning board when the basic torpedo was restyled as the 53 model. If you substitute the Roman numeral 'C' in SAET 100 you have the SAETC which you find in purple in the above.
Science and technology married with warfare...does this sound like a great theme of TTTTA? Robert Gordon and his inventions of offensive and defensive warfare. I believe so.
10. LATO - page 129.
We find Pythagoras of Samos on page 129. First in the poem of the mythological blacksmith who Pythagoras, having passed his shop and hearing the sound of differing weights striking the anvil, conceived of the diatonic scale denominated in mathematics. Of course, the story is demonstrably false because sound vibrations of differing pitches are not reliably produced by differing weights of the implement but by the length or tensions of strings that are plucked. At least, that's what I've read for what physicist have said....taking that with a warning to do your own research.
But we find that poem is not faithfully reproduced. Mr. Gann has messed around with the first stanza pretty drastically. It can't be typesetter's error, the extent of manipulation. But why would Mr. Gann do that? Here's that first stanza with the peculiar acrostic "LATO:"
So the story goes, Pythagoras traveled extensively to search for the "ancient knowledge." I've read that he traveled to villages of Crete to meet the wise old men who had such knowledge. I believe you will find LATO to be one such village.
11. dePisa and phi - pages 71 and 120.
A 'learned' WD Gann astrology 'expert' called me at the behest of a reader to share notes. He hadn't a clue of my work and wanted to share (more likely sell) his expert astrological work he'd purchased from a lady who was a WDG expert and astrologer. Even I, as astrology challenged as I was, could be taught astrology. He was very insistent that Mr. Gann was a selfish man who refused to share his knowledge, knowledge that this expert had. As an example, he said that Mr. Gann never shared his knowledge of Phi. When I tried to tell him that Mr. Gann had shared this knowledge to those who would work to find it, he spoke over me as if, well, as if.... Its tough to take to an intellectual bigot.
Here is Leonardo de Pisa aka Fibonacci in green and other names:
Most serious TTTTA researchers have discovered Phi in the mysterious numbers that seem out of place. It was incredible to me this expert had not, at least, found those simple narrative displays of Phi. But the acrostic display of Phi is explicit as to its meaning; albeit encoded:
I agree with the WDG expert named above that Mr. Gann did not share his knowledge...with those who would not work for it.
12. Ata - 15 occurrences at different locations.
The word "Ata" or, misspelled as "Atta" is found 15 times in TTTTA; one for each of the 15 terrorists on board the 3 planes that hit their target (the fourth plane was scuttled in Pennsylvania without reaching its intended target). Mr. Gann predicted the lead terrorist in the 9/11 attack would be Muhammad Ata. Following is the first of the 15 occurrences which you will find on page 13:
You'll se that the center of the above perfect isosceles triangle is at the center of John Dee's last name in red. The highest vertices of the triangle is at the acrostic word "twa," the subject of a discussion of that word elsewhere in this essay. And the bottom of the triangle is on the line that has the last letter of "ata" in blue. Mr. Gann often arranges the acrostic and telestic words to form triangles to confirm, without any room for refutation, that the messages are intended...not random.
Ata is a component of the "6th Manifest Prophecy" the 9/11 attack found in 3 parts beginning HERE.
13. TWA - 20 occurrences at different locations.
TWA or Transworld Airlines was a great US carrier which, as airlines do, filed for bankruptcy and was liquidated early in 2001 (from recall) by auction of its assets. The major purchaser of those assets was American Airlines which is the carrier that provided the airplane for Ata's flight 11 that crashed into the North Tower and flight 77 that crashed into the South Tower. United Airlines provided the airplane for flights 93 (scuttled in Pennsylvania) and 165 (struck the Pentagon).
How does TWA relate to 9/11? Was Mr. Gann mistaken, after all, we might doubt either American or United were airlines in 1927?
Think through that. The assets of TWA largely became assets of American and United in 2001. For all we know, former TWA planes may have had their logos replaced with those of American and United. I'd guess Mr. Gann, in 1927, knew better then than we know now.
One last detail. There were 15 terrorists on three successful flights 11, 77 and 165. There were 15 occurrences of the word "Ata" in TTTTA. There were 4 on the unsuccessful flight 93 bringing the total to 19 terrorists in total. Mr. Gann clearly made an error because the word "TWA" appears a total of 20 times. Or, perhaps, there was one terrorist on flight 93 that remains unidentified.
One instance of "TWA" on page 13 of TTTTA is provided under the heading "Ata" and not repeated here.
Ata is a component of the "6th Manifest Prophecy" the 9/11 attack found in 3 parts beginning HERE.
14. Ensten - page 105.
Mr. Gann is referring to Albert Einstein, albeit, despite the misspelling. The deepest enigmas require effort and a perfect encoded spelling of Einstein would be too easy. How was this message confirmed? By Einstein's cat among other confirmations. Here's the message:
You can find the lengthy confirmation that Mr. Gann was referring to Einstein and his cat (actually Schroedenger's cat) in the essay located HERE. Thanks to Danny.
15. ISIL - page 169.
ISIL is found as an acrostic word on page 169, line 6528. Noteworthy, a four-lettered is very unlikely of being spelled in a random text. Although this word is part of a poem (Lead, Kindly Light), it is nonetheless subject to having been selected by Mr. Gann for the purpose of identifying the future terrorist Islamic State of Irqaq and the Levant (ISIL).
The probability of finding a 4-letter word in a random text is modeled as a joint probability of the occurrence of four consecutive letters or 1/26 X 1/26 X 1/26 X 1/26 or 1 in 456K. Its actually less than that but still pretty highly unlikely. Add to that the fact that ISIL is an acronym and it is accepted that all letters of an acronym are capitalized.
Regarding the MOT dates, 1884 and 1980. In 1884 we find the rise of Jihad in Trinidad against the white colonial occupiers. In September 1980 Iraq invaded Iran which necessitated Iran's negotiations with the U.S. The day after the Algeria Accords were signed and minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn into off the Iranian hostages were released.
The poem of which ISIL is an acrostic word, was written by John Henry Newman in 1833 and was later used as the text of a hymn. That hymn is reported as having been sung as inspiration amid several disasters including the Titanic, the 1909 Durham England coalfield disaster, by Jewish women as they were being lead by S.S. Guards to the Ravensbruck concentration camp....
16. Ryne - page 330.
'Ryne' is the first name of the contemporary fictional author who is largely responsible for the movie "Knowing." Ryne Douglas Pearson wrote and oversaw much of the production of that movie which, in turn, is partly responsible for the discovery of WD Gann's Map of Time. In a pivotal scene of the movie, the hero played by Nickolas Cage discovers on a page of otherwise meaningless numbers the date 9/11/01 and 2996, representing 2996 deaths on September 11, 2001. Cage researchers the dates and number of deaths on the page and finds that it represents the greatest disasters of the 50 years the page of numbers had been locked in a time capsule for 50 years.
As inspiration, I dated and numbered every line in TTTTA and found, on exactly September 11, 2015, the MOT so constructed gave September 11, 2001 and 2996 deaths. See HERE.
So, we find Ryne Douglass Pearson in TTTTA in this way. There are 45 instances (as I recall) of General "Pearson" in TTTTA. There are 11 instances of Claire "Douglass" in TTTTA. All we are missing is the very unique "Ryne" and we find it in an acrostic word. There is one and only one instance of "Ryne" spelled as an acrostic word on page 330:
Without this serendipity, it is unlikely the MOT would have been identified.
17. Ross - page 14.
Yes, this is my name that I found shortly after having discovered acrostics and telestics in TTTTA but before having reduced the book to an Excel spreadsheet. I was literally reading the first and last letters of every line trying to find words. Having found the word I was first chilled, second in disbelief and third motivated to find an absence of myself anywhere else in TTTTA.
'Ross' is a component of the "7th Manifest Prophecy," a 3 part essay that begins HERE.
18. Jimi - page 75.
I discovered my high school name, Jimi, after having reduced TTTTA to a spreadsheet with a "finder" tool I'd developed. Where I wrote my name as 'Jimmy,' my school antagonists more than once wrote it to me as the feminine 'Jimi.' Consider, the joint probability of finding a 4-letter acrostic/teletic word in random text is in the magnitude of 1 divided by 26^4...very small. Now consider both of my names are spelled. At this point, I remained unconvinced, but very uncomfortable.
Now consider the location and surrounding narrative; "Future Cycles" and believing in the immutable laws of math and geometry. Lastly, remember the date in the above; January 28, 1927.
The 3 letters next to the i, m and i of 'Jimi' are e, n and s. ENS (in blue) is an acronym for the USGS "Earthquake Notification System."
"Jimi' is a component of the "7th Manifest Prophecy," a 3 part essay that begins HERE.
19. Tot-10-ham - pages 351 and 352.
At my second viewing of "The Imitation Game" on exactly January 27, 2015, I realized how Mr. Gann confirmed the intentional inclusion my name in TTTTA; he would spell my street address, Tottenham Lane. When I returned home I was frustrated that I found "tot" beginning on line 12929 followed on the next page by "ham" beginning on line 12966 but I did not find 'ten' or '10.' The next morning, January 28, 2015, I awoke and 'knew' how he would do it. He didn't encode an acrostic/telestic word; he placed it in the narrative. Focus on the blue highlighted syllables:
Beginning on line 12933 is encoded my career profession; CPA which is highlighted in red.
Again, "Tot-10-ham' is a component of the "7th Manifest Prophecy," that begins HERE.
20. Fama and cpa - page 156 and 350.
"Fama" is related to the "7th Manifest Prophecy" found HERE and my name appearing in TTTTA. "Fama" indicates the Rosicrucian brotherhood, the members of whom, themselves claimed they could foresee the future. The Rosicrucian manifest is "Fama Fraternitatis." There are 2 occurrences of the acrostic word 'fama:'
As well, there are two instances of the acrostic "cpa," one with a center at line 917 and one at 12934. CPA is confirmation of the 7th Prophecy in that it is the professional designation of the subject of that prophecy Jim Ross (see above #19).
21. Dee - 45 observations on many pages.
John Dee was the mathematician, alchemist, scholar, geometer, astrologer, magician of the court of Queen Elizabeth I, a best friend and collaborator of both the Queen and Lord Francis Bacon and considered by many the most learned man of that age. It has been reported, at a time when the Cambridge library owned 400 "volumes," John Dee's personal library contained 4,000.
You will not find John Dee noted anywhere in TTTTA, but you will find "dee" 22 time in telestic words, once as "007," his secret name for correspondence with the Queen and then another 22 times thereafter for a total of 45 times in total. Following is the first, middle and last occurrences:
John Dee, by Philo of Alexandria's "rules of enigma," would be one of the most important of Mr. Gann's relied upon authorities because not once is he mentioned in TTTTA and yet he is throughout the encoded words of the book. Dee is known for, among other things, his "Monas Heirogliphica, which derives what Jim Egan, curator of the Newport Tower, has referred to as Dee's philosopher stone number, 252 (see HERE).
22. '77' - page 97.
WD Gann passed at 77 years and 12 days on June 18, 1878. This telestic is the subject of an essay found HERE. If you went back and checked the line numbers of the MOT on that essay to those presently enumerating the MOT, they have changed....there have been many changes in the numbering. The total lines have been expanded from 15218 lines to 15340 by changing assumptions about the line spacing that was used to create Mr. Gann's MOT cycle of 168 years. There are many subjective decisions even with good rules of vertical line spacing. I expect Mr. Gann wanted his prediction of his death to survive pin head errors like those I make in line numbers because he embedded a date in the narrative. The telestic '77' and embedded date, 4/30/1927, are shown below:
If you subdivide Mr. Gann's 77 years and ignore the 12 days, you have exactly 11 units of 7. The embedded date of 4/30/1927 perfectly divides the total life span between 4 units of 7 and 4 units of 7:
Perfect...except for 12 days and 12 days is 12 days for the perfectionist. Is there a further teachable moment here? Yes there is. Two numbers, the remainder of 12 and the unit of 7, are remarkable numbers. They are the reduction of WD Gann's "philosopher's stone" number of 432 (the number of pages in TTTTA) and John Dee's "philosopher's stone,"the number 252. The reductions and expansions of 432 and 252 derive some very interesting suggestions of time cycles:
Needless to say, 12 and 7 are very important Biblical numbers, themselves.
23. Obam - Page 331.
Is President Barrack Hussein Obama cited in TTTTA? We have 4 letters of the last name but, other than the improbability that it is random, not any corroborating objective evidence. As subjective evidence we might look at the associated narrative suggesting a leader should rely upon wise military counsel in undertaking war:
24. JFK, MLK, Abe and Dio-n - found on several pages.
We find John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln and the artist known for "Abraham, Lincoln and John," Dion in acrostic wording. JFK is found once and once only on page 177:
MLK found once and once only on page 360:
We find "Abe" twice (which makes two cites for Democrats and two for Republicans) on pages 54 and 320:
And we find, in one and only one word, the artist who's epic rendition of "Abraham, Martin and John" was a symbol of the 1960s generation; Dio-n:
Each query of Mr. Gann's database led to the next. And each time, we expect the next word to be there and it was. The related essay of which the above is a synopsis can be found HERE.
25. TESA, DESA, sAc, page 24.
26. Tip the Hat, various pages.
Three iterations of the phrase "Tip the hat" encoded according to a mathematic progression of line numbers similar to but far more complex than the "Tao device" (see #1 above). "Tip the hat" is a centerpiece phrase used by Ray Grimes (the "Rock" Dwayne Johnson) in the 2015 movie, San Andreas used to describe a dangerous helicopter maneuver. The existence of a mathematic system in generating this message and the content of that 2015 message infers both its conscious construction and the possession of foresight. Line numbers of the component words are at:
The word "Tip" appears on three lines (below) and can be correlated with "the" and "hat" according to a mathematic progression of remainders. Finding the first occurrence of the phrase "Tip the hat" in a relation of line intervals of exactly 2/3rds teases the likelihood the same ratio of line intervals, but it does not. The closest to there being such an interval ratio leaves remainders of 70.5, 71 and 114:
Permutations of the remainders for the sides of the Kepler Triangle; 70/5/71 =1, 114/70.5=Phi, and (70.5+71)/70/5=Phi^2.
27. Ray, Emah, Olie, San, Andrareas, Hoover Dam, ten, tectonic, various pages.
The above are the principle players and concepts at work in the 2015 movie "San Andreas" in which the fault of the the same name destroys Los Angeles and San Francisco in a matter of hours.
Ray, Emma and Olie:
Hoover Dam and water:
Mid-point between San and Andreas:
28. "Ring In Fire" 3 separate pages.
This is a very important phrase constructed from 3 distantly spaced acrostic/telestic words. Their mathematic proof of relation according to the "Tao device." Having found "rng" and "fre" we speculate we will find "of" equidistant between the former two words to give us "Ring of Fire" and the understanding of the volcanic/seismic region of the world formed by the Pacific Coasts of the several continents. Instead, we find exactly spaced between the former two words, the word "in" inferring an active "Ring IN Fire:"
Given that the MOT is predicting an earthquake on about February 24, 2016, the narratives of the above phrase predict a dire scenario; the NYSE closed, there was no minimizing the seriousness of the situation, is there no way to prevent the deadly destruction....
29. "Heaven saw water," page 3.
There is a telling instance of the acrostic word "watr" beginning on line 213 and very meaningful associated narrative. The acrostic phrase that includes "watr" is "hvnsawtr" or "heaven saw water." The narrative explains that young Robert is told that God would never again destroy the world by water.
Enough for now. To be a very long work in progress,
Jim Ross
Hi Jim,
ReplyDeletejust found this shocking cross connection:
Page 150: "The Golden Hour" by James W. Foley
..and who was executed by IS August 2014: James Wright Foley !
And look into the verses of this and the next page:
It says always "Let's play" but shouldn't it read
"Let's pray" instead ?!
Wow Ben, I had another thought. First, I replied to your two above posts separately but as a new comment as opposed to a reply. Anyway, I only found James W Foley twice, once cited from TTTTA itself and once from a blog.udn.com. The latter did not say where it came from.
DeleteI think it entirely possible WDG wrote the poem in order to insert the name James W. Foley into TTTTA for some brilliant and inquisitive reader to question....as you did.
So, did WDG foresee and predict the beheading of James W Foley some 87 years before it occurred?
Only a person with an authoritative source and bio of the 1915 James W Foley could refute that claim. I expect the great researchers that could not refute that Luo Clement ever existed, won't be able to refute the non existence of 1915 James W Foley. Let's see.
As the supposed James W Foley would say "Let's play." As Sherlock Holmes would say, "the game is afoot."
Btw. Acrostic ALLA (Allah?) found at pg. 150 and "play" instead of "pray" is somewhat declared in "A saying from childhood...",
ReplyDeletebut i'm unable to interpret it into something logical.
Indeed, I had identified "ALLA" and continued from the last A the word "ALL" but I did not identify James Wright as having been assassinated by ISIL in 2014. Of course, different Wright's the murdered one having been a journalist. I can find only one recitation of the poem other than TTTTA and it is on blog.udn.com and it confirms the word play rather than pray. Sounds like it should be pray like you said. Possibly the blog link recites Mr. Gann's "adapted" version.
ReplyDeleteI believe WDG took liberties with spelling as in "sleth" leaving out the u, or "fail" instead of "fate." The serendipity of James Wright having been killed by ISIL on the same poem of TTTTA causes me to believe WDG was telling us something about ISIL.
Later on we'll find "Ata" (as in Muhammad Ata)spelled acrostically 15 times (there were 15 terrorists aboard the 3 successful attacking planes) with one or two of them "Atta."
Its great to have you and Dolemite taking an active interest in this stuff. I'll try to get that upload of TTTTA done soon.